
Cricket clubs pitch in for flood appeal

17th January 2011     Dan Harris will hit up big for PBBC Colts at

Cricket clubs pitch in for flood appeal

17th January 2011

DISTRICT cricket clubs will support the Brisbane flood appeal with a one-day Twenty20 knockout competition being planned for Australia Day. 


Dan Harris will hit up big for PBBC Colts at the Twenty20 Charity Knockout. (Photo Leigh Jensen)

DISTRICT cricket clubs will support the Queensland flood appeal with a one-day Twenty20 knockout competition being planned for Australia Day.

Park Beach Bowling Club Colts president Neil Coogan said teams from seven local clubs and a visiting outfit from Grafton Easts will engage in a day-long battle that he hopes will become an annual event.

“The wet weather cancellations means all our cricketers are busting for a game and I didn’t have to ask anybody twice if they were interested in having a hit,” he said.

“I’ve always believed there’s a need for local cricket to have some significant event which can be held every year that raises money for charity and this could be the start of something big.

“Those people in Brisbane need a helping hand, so I’m chasing supporters who can help with cash or goods so that we can have a sponsor for everything that opens and shuts.”

Once the draw has been made, preliminary matches will be played at the two wickets at Sawtell’s Richardson Park and Coffs Coast Sports and Leisure Park with 9am and 11.30am pencilled in for probable start times.

After lunch, all the action will switch to Leisure Park with semi-finals revealing the two finalists who will play the decider under lights at the end of the day.

While insurance requirements mean only registered players can take participate, Coogan welcomes any prominent persons who would like to take a role with one of the teams.

“Maybe the mayor, being a proud Sawtellian, would like to lead out his local side,” Coogan said.

“Naturally, the public are welcome and we’ll have more information for them as the day draws closer.

“Special care will be taken so that this remains a family affair, so any rowdy behaviour won’t be tolerated.

“We are super keen that this day is a huge success so that we can directly donate all the profit into the appropriate fund.

“Already we have the players busting to get involved so now it’s up to the public.”

Neil Coogan can be contacted on 0417 061 365.

A sponsor keen to claim naming rights for the event would be very welcome.

Meanwhile, weather predictions indicate the District’s ‘stir crazy’ players should finally get some playing time next weekend.

First grade draw: Coffs Tigers vs Sawtell (Brelsford Park), Diggers Ex-Services vs Dorrigo (Fitzroy Oval) and Bellingen vs PBBC Colts (CCSLP1).

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